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Fund the Future

In 2022 we aim to open the Hall’s doors with full time employees running a community space, vibrant restaurant, and performing arts venue with support from a growing partnership. We are building a space for the WHOLE community to feel safe and connected.

We invite you to join our journey. During this pre-opening phase, we are raising funds to support our program and operating expenses. To support the work of creating a community-centered space, read on for a breakdown of our future expenses. All ways to contribute are summarized here.

Breakdown of Expenses

Support the following Program Expenses here:

  • Artist Support: $50,000 general operating overhead

    • Paying artists to assist in designing our building facade, develop our digital artistic content, contribute to our GBT, perform for our events, and design our building’s interior.

  • Good Jobs Fellowship

    • Continue supporting our GJF program, and add two additional Good Jobs Fellows. $15,000.

  • Culinary Arts:

    • $30,000 for chef consultants. $20,000 for catering and in house services.

    • Local professionals develop a phased kitchen strategy to launch with the opening of our building.

    • Working with local and regional farmers to source our ingredients. Menu planning and resourcing.

    • Catering and in house service development.

  • Cultural Programming Support & Community Partnership Building:

    • In addition to our regular Bazaar events, which provide a platform to local artisans and craftspeople, our partnerships and collaborations with other local cultural groups are growing to help us become equitable stewards of our land and cultural space. The estimated cost will be $20,000.

  • Sound, Lighting, & Technical support for our building.

    • Our vision for the Hall requires us to engage technical experts in our partnership and neighborhood to source & purchase equipment, train partners and fellows in its use, and ensure safe facility practices as we provide a platform for our community partners, artists, and cultural workers. The estimated cost will be $15,000.

Contribute start up capital here to support the following Operating Expenses:

  • Your support will help us open a cultural facility, covering the expenses of everything from redesigning and renovating our upstairs mezzanine space to fully developing our capacity to record and broadcast the events that take place onstage at the Hall! To serve our community equitably, we will also use these funds to ensure that the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic are applied to our renovations--which may include everything from circulating air effectively to installing and maintaining equipment in our kitchen that ensures our community chefs have all they need to work and serve food safely.

How you can support us

To read what we have been up to, check out some highlights below:


This piece was written by Black & Tan Hall partner Joseph Seamons with contributions from partner Adrienne Sutton and Good Jobs Fellow Christina Chan.

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